Словарь санскрита

Русско-санскритский словарь / русско-санскритский словарь.
Около 30 тысяч слов санскрита.


हरिश्चन्द्र /hariś-candra/ m. nom. pr. легендарный царь Солнечной династии, за благочестие и щедрость был вознесён на небо вместе со своим городом и подданными, затем за высокомерие был низвергнут с небес и остался парить в воздухе

существительное, м.р.


Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary


  हरिश्चन्द्र [ hariścandra ] [ hári-ścandra ] m. f. n. (see [ candra ] ) having golden splendour Lit. RV.

   [ hariścandra ] m. N. of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the Tretā age (he was son of Tri-śaṅku , and was celebrated for his piety ; accord. to the Mārkaṇḍeya-Purāṇa he gave up his country , his wife and his son , and finally himself , to satisfy the demands of Viśvāmitra ; after enduring incredible sufferings , he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven : accord. to Lit. MBh. ii , 489 , his performance of the Rāja-sūya sacrifice was the cause of his elevation , and in the Aitareya-Brāhmaṇa quite another legend is told about him see under [ śunaḥśepa ] , p. 1082 , col. 3 : in later legends Hari-ścandra is represented as insidiously induced by Nārada to relate his actions with unbecoming pride , whereupon he was degraded from Svarga , one stage at each sentence , till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air ; his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times ; cf. [ saubha ] ) Lit. Br. Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. ( 1290,3 )

   N. of various authors Lit. Inscr. Lit. Cat.

   mn. (?) N. of a place Lit. Cat.

   n. N. of a Liṅga Lit. MW.


смотрите так же: шведско-русский словарь, и язык латинский словарь, чешский словарь, грузинский словарь, каталог 3d моделей,