Словарь санскрита

Русско-санскритский словарь / русско-санскритский словарь.
Около 30 тысяч слов санскрита.


वायु I /vāyu/ m.
1) ветер
2) воздух
3) дыхание
4) nom. pr. бог ветра, хранитель Северо-Запада
5) ветер, газы (как один из трех составных элементов тела)

существительное, м.р.


Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

वायु [ vāyu ] [ vāyú ]1 m. ( fr. √ 2. [ ] ) wind , air (as one of the 5 elements ; in Lit. MBh. 7 winds are reckoned) Lit. RV.

the god of the wind (often associated with Indra in the Ṛig-veda , as Vāta ( q.v. ) with Parjanya , but although of equal rank with Indra , not occupying so prominent a position ; in the Purushasûkta he is said to have sprung form the breath of Purusha , and elsewhere is described as the son-in-law of Tvashṭṛi ; be is said to move in a shining car drawn by a pair of red or purple horses or by several teams consisting of ninety-nine or a hundred or even a thousand horses ( cf. [ ni-yút ] ) ; he is often made to occupy the same chariot with Indra , and in conjunction with him honoured with the first draught of the Soma libation ; he is rarely connected with the Maruts , although in Lit. i , 134 , 4 , he is said to have begotten them from the rivers of heaven ; he is regent of the Nakshatra Svāti and north-west quarter see [ loka-pāla ] ) Lit. ib.

breathing , breath Lit. VPrāt Lit. ĪśUp.

the wind of the body , a vital air ( of which 5 are reckoned , viz. [ prāṇa ] , [ apāna ] , [ samāna ] , [ udāna ] , and [ vyāna ] ; or [ nāga ] , [ kūrma ] , [ kṛkara ] , [ devadatta ] , and [ dhanaṃ-jaya ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Lit. Vedântas.

(in medicine) the windy humour or any morbid affection of it Lit. Suśr.

the wind as a kind of demon producing madness Lit. Kād. Lit. Vcar. ( cf. [ -grasta ] )

(in astron.) N. of the fourth Muhūrta

a mystical N. of the letter [ ya ] Lit. Up.

N. of a Vasu Lit. Hariv.

of a Daitya Lit. ib.

of a king of the Gandharvas Lit. VP.

of a Marut Lit. R.

pl. the Maruts Lit. Kathās. Lit. MārkP.


смотрите так же: шведско-русский словарь, и язык латинский словарь, чешский словарь, грузинский словарь, каталог 3d моделей,