Словарь санскрита

Русско-санскритский словарь / русско-санскритский словарь.
Около 30 тысяч слов санскрита.


अङ्गिरस् /aṅgiras/ m. nom. pr. один из семи мудрецов, к-рому приписывают многие гимны Ригведы. Посредник между богами и людьми; см. ऋग्वेद *

существительное, м.р.


Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

 अङ्गिरस् [ aṅgiras ] [ áṅgiras m. N. of a Ṛishi , author of the hymns of Lit. RV. ix, of a code of laws , and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from Brahmā's mouth , and to have been the husband of Smṛiti , of Śraddhā , of two daughters of Maitreya , of several daughters of Daksha , ; he is considered as one of the seven Ṛishis of the first Manvantara , as a Prajāpati , as a teacher of the Brahmavidyā , which he had learnt from Satyavāha , a descendant of Bharadvāja , Among his sons , the chief is Agni , others are Saṃvarta , Utathya , and Bṛihaspati ; among his daughters are mentioned Sinīvālī , Kuhū , Rākā , Anumati , and Akūpārā ; but the Ṛicas or Vedic hymns , the manes of Havishmat , and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter , and a star in Ursa Major)

  N. of Agni Lit. MBh.

  ( [ asas ] ) descendants of Aṅgiras or of Agni (mostly personifications of luminous objects)

  the hymns of the Atharva-veda Lit. TS.

  priests who by using the magical formulas of those hymns protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents.

смотрите так же: шведско-русский словарь, и язык латинский словарь, чешский словарь, грузинский словарь, каталог 3d моделей,